Explore these Learning Modules

These learning modules have been created in response to the stories, experiences, reflections, thoughts and intentions expressed by service providers, community leaders, advocates, allies and lived experience experts regarding the health and wellbeing needs of same sex attracted and gender divers people from multicultural and faith based communities. Service providers and community leaders, advocates and allies sought a deeper understanding via the voices of lived experience. These stories of lived experience experts have guided the development of this resource.


Wellbeing is a combination of a person’s physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health. For some it also includes connection to land, country and ancestors. Wellbeing is supported by values that place an emphasis on love and acceptance.


Culture is a learnt and dynamic process that influences how we experience the world. It can be recognised in external ways such as language, food and rituals, and in more internal ways such as values, emotions, and beliefs.


Our identity is unique. We all have multiple identities influenced by social categories such as class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc. that combine to influence how we experience our world and the groups we identify with and belong to.


Human lives cannot be explained by single categories, such as gender, race, sexual orientation etc. The intersection of these categories can produce both privilege and oppression. Intersectionality addresses discrimination that arises at the specific intersection of multiple identities.


Diversity is what makes us unique and different from each other; it can also connect us to groups and communities. Within this diversity exists further diversity, recognising that people who share a characteristic may differ in other ways.