
noun: public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.
“his outspoken advocacy of the agreement has won no friends”
synonyms: support for, argument for, arguing for, calling for, pushing for, pressing for


“Community leaders cannot preach to care about LGBTIQ+ people within their communities unless they are active in dismantling homophobia/queerphobia/transphobia within the heterosexual members of their community. The most important thing for them isn’t to ingratiate themselves into LGBTIQ+ people of faith spaces but to work FOR LGBTIQ+ people of faith within the wider community.”

“Stand up for us even if we don’t share an orientation or a faith. Stop supporting people who hurt us. Call out hate speech when you see it and don’t vote for people who use it. Educate yourselves instead of asking people being harassed to do it for you.”

“[Service providers and community leaders can] educate themselves on multicultural LGBTI intersectional identities and be outspoken in their support for individuals in the community who identify as such, instead of being silent. It’s important they also educate their community on the issues that multicultural LGBTI people have to experience.”

“I would like to see services provider to and community leaders to take the lead. Start the conversations bridge the gaps. Create safe shared spaces, places where respectful education occurs.”

“The idea of intersectional aspects that make up an individual is on-point but little understood by a wider population.     Annual statistics such as causes of death by overprescribed medication, youth suicide rates or domestic violence all indicate more needs to be done in education, provision and receiving of services.   We need to learn again individually it is possible to pause momentarily what we are doing, invite reflection on the results we are getting, and being encouraged to take responsibility of our own wellbeing.”

“Affirm diversity and have zero tolerance for stigma, prejudice; be willing to learn and then lead.”

“Decolonizing – as in teasing out entrenched attitudes, values and biases is very important. Education about and encouraging respect for diversity needs to be ongoing.”

“Stick up for us even if you get laughed at.”

Nur Warsame – The Feed

Young People

This QLives story is focussed on Young People. Each of our four participants talk about their experiences of being queer in the modern context, both the rewards and the challenges. These are some strong and proud voices!

This Is What LGBT Life Is Like Around the World

As a gay couple in San Francisco, Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols set off on a world tour in search of “Supergays,” LGBT people who were doing something extraordinary in the world. In 15 countries across Africa, Asia and South America — from India, recently home to the world’s first openly gay prince, to Argentina, the first country in Latin America to grant marriage equality — they found the inspiring stories and the courageous, resilient and proud Supergays they had been looking for.