
noun: 1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
“Montreal’s Italian community”
2. the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.
“the sense of community that organized religion can provide”


“In communities that are less distressed, it is easier to simply ‘be’ whatever one is, rather than to be whatever one needs to be for the community. So for example, if you identify as POC, that often comes with the need to want to resist colonialism. Now, that’s well and good, but what it means is with the community demanding you be a certain way, there’s less ‘wriggle room’ for you to just…be.”

“Stop othering us… a sense of feeling different is so bad for mental health.”

“In my religious related communities – place of worship and work – I sense there is a general unease around conversations regarding gender, sexuality and related topics. Because I could be identified as a religious figure I sometimes find in other communities that assumptions can be made about my views or values on these matters, particularly issues related to the ambiguity of life.”

“[I would like service providers and community leaders to understand] the impact of being isolated from both LGBTI community and cultural community, that sexuality or gender identity is not a choice or preference, the complexities of the experience of multiple forms of discrimination on mental health.”

“Growing up in the church environment, I have found church people to be very judgemental. When separating from my husband, and beginning my relationship with my now same sex partner, I was subjected to so much judgement from church people and friends. People, who I have always associated with stopped talking to me. People would avoid me, like I had some disease. It makes me sad to think that I used to be that judgemental person in the church. I never imagined that I would end up in a lesbian relationship, but here I am, and now I believe that as long as I am happy, that is all that matters. I believe that a God is a god of love. No one has the right to judge others about anything.”

“Racist stigmatisation of communities of colour by white LGBTQ organisations, people & communities is a major problem, but one that white LGBTQ people persistently deny. White LGBTQ fragility needs to be called out & dismantled.”

How I celebrate Ramadan as a queer Muslim

Activist Sabah Choudrey shares what Ramadan means to them and opens up about the struggles LGBTQ Muslims may face.

Stories of Cultural and Linguistic Diverity

This QLives film takes Cultural and Linguistic Diversity as a focus. It features Johann and Nam, sharing their experiences of coming out, and of sexuality and culture colliding.

LGBT Seniors Tell Their Stories